IT Master Plan

Home IT Master Plan

IT / ICT Master Plan Development

The features

Consulting services for the development of IT Master Plan / ICT Master Plan 3-5 years of organizational strategy. To formulate information technology strategies, goals, objectives, policies and information technology programs respond to corporate business goals. To use as a framework and guidelines for the development of information technology in accordance with changes in the economy, society and technology.


ICT policy framework consistent with the master plan and the current version of the Master Plan, including information & communications technology Plan and Information and Communication Technology Policy Framework.


Benefits for the organization

Has an IT Master Plan / ICT Master Plan master plan with a strategic plan. The direction and goal of developing appropriate information technology to change based on internal factors and external factors and in accordance with the master plan of Thailand.

IT Security Master Plan Development

The features

Consulting services for the development of an organization’s IT Security Master Plan in line with the organization’s IT Master Plan / ICT Master Plan. Used as a framework and guidelines for information security management in the consolidated operations. Security strategies, information, strategies, policies and plans, information security projects, corporate security are including the priority of the plan to develop standards and security infrastructure for information and communication technology. It is also included training and awareness raising on information security, on risk factors and threats of information and communication technologies for personnel at all levels within the organization.


Benefits for the organization

A Master Plan for Information Security (IT Security Master Plan) 3-5 years as a result of the analysis of the current security status of the organization. For use as a framework and guidelines for the planning and development of infrastructure and information security.